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Pokemon GO Announces New March Raid Day

Pokemon GO has announced a new Raid Day for March 23 featuring Mega Absol. This is one of several raids that will be available for Pokemon GO players to take part in this March, and add powerful pocket monsters to their collections.

Until March 13, Pokemon GO players can battle Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres in five-star raids. In their place will come Tapu Koko, who knows Nature’s Madness and will stay until March 22. Then the Legendary Pokemon Heatran will be on raids until March 31. For trainers wishing to add new Max Pokemon to their Pokedex record, Dynamax Drilbur will be available in Max Battles until March 10, to be replaced by Dynamax Chansey (March 17), Dynamax Caterpie (March 23), and Dynamax Scorbunny (March 29).

Another addition to the calendar is the recently announced Raid Day featuring Mega Absol. The event will take place on March 23 from 2 PM to 5 PM local time, and during these hours players will be able to battle and capture the Mega form of the Gen 3 Pokemon. During and after the event, Absol will be able to learn Charged Attack Brutal Swing, a skill with 55 power in trainer battles, and 65 power in Gyms and raids. As part of Raid Day, the Remote Raid Pass limit will be 20 from March 20 at 5 PM to March 23 at 8 PM. Due to this change, players will be able to receive five additional passes for spinning Gym Photo Discs, with the chance of finding Shiny Mega Absol.

Mega Absol is the Star of Pokemon GO’s Upcoming Raid Day

To make the most of Raid Day featuring Mega Absol, Pokemon GO will have a paid ticketcosting $5. This will give trainers who own the ticket eight extra Raid Passes for spinning Gym Photo Discs, an increased chance of receiving Candy XL from raids, and 50% more XP and double the stardust for taking part in Mega Absol raids. Pokemon GO will introduce new Timed Research with rewards of 10,000 Stardust, and 1,000 extra Stardust, while the Pokemon GO Web Store will have a $5 box with an event ticket and bonus Premium Battle Pass.

While Mega Absol is one of the Pokemon GO Raids happening in March, the others will be just as interesting for fans of Mega Evolutions. Until March 13, players will find Mega Lucario in raids, with Mega Marshtomp taking over and being available until March 22. From there, the game will replace Mega Marshtomp with Mega Pinsir, which will be the Pokemon featured in Mega Raids until March 31.

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